1.5 Million customers visit our store every month with over 13 Million page views of our products and services!! - All our customers have above average income - therefore more likelihood of buying your products and services!
www.topjobs.lktopjobs is the #1 online job publishing website in Sri Lanka and the most popular and trusted in Sri Lanka (Digital outlook 2022 research report).
All our visitors are job seekers and would have a higher income in comparison to the rest of the consumer market; therefore, our viewers would have more likelihood of purchasing any product or service.
70% of our customer base is between the ages of 20 and 35 years old and represents both male and female customers.
The only company to get Sri Lanka's government approval to post public and state-sector job openings in a special gazette.
Visitors per month.
Page Views per month.
Avg. time spent on topjobs.lk by a visitor.
We can provide you with highly targeted customers - we have 31 Market Segment / Job Categories to select from to target your specific customer.
99% of our customers are executives who have a steady income - therefore more spending power to purchase your goods and services.
Almost all our customers are looking to upskill themselves. Therefore we are an ideal site to advertise your upskilling products and services.
Most of our customers have a family or want to start a family therefore require banking and financial services, household services and products for children.